
Someone with a healthy mind keeps the brain exercised regularly, and stress and worry are kept at bay by choice. The key words here are “by choice”. The mind is a very powerful tool and we have power over what we allow ourselves to stress about.. When positive thoughts, gratitude, and feelings of joy are present, and there is a thirst for knowledge and learning we are operating in the realm of positivity! When we can acknowledge that we’ve encountered/endures negative experiences that negatively shape our perspective then we must take steps to heal!
However when it comes to certain aspects of mental health studies suggest that 3 key neurotransmitters can play a role in feelings of depression and anxiety.
Dopamine creates positive feelings associated with reward or reinforces motivation.
Norepinephrine affects our flight or fight response
Serotonin is also known for it’s “feel good” effect on our mood and also regulates different aspects of the body such as the gut, blood clotting and sexual disfunction.
When there is an imbalance in our neurotransmitters, we need to take action! Sometimes medication is needed and other times simple life style changes could help i.e. exercise.
Exercise has been proven to improve your mood. A little cardio can be instrumental in raising your serotonin levels!
Note: It is always important to consult with your primary physician and mental health provider pertaining to the biochemical effects of the brain and your mental health.